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The theory of musk melon juice and weight loss

Recently, a lot of you have been pointing out I lost some weight. Well, such observations are always welcome (and a great ego boost) although, I must mention, I haven’t been unwell or made any solid attempts to lose weight. However, I made a strange and rather unusual change in my diet, some six months back. I started chugging down a glass of musk melon juice (without sugar) every morning without fail. Remember I mentioned this in this post?

Now, I clearly mentioned the word ‘theory’ in the headline, right? Which means, I don't know if there is a direct connection between my musk melon juice and weight loss, although there seems to be a correlation. Well, I read up on a few health benefits of musk melon juice, like this post and even this one, and most online sources seemed to agree that due to a very low fat content, this fruit is great for a check on weight gain.

Well, I honestly never even liked the fruit and was oblivious to its existence for the better part of my life, until recently I started consuming it - JUST LIKE THAT! I honestly don't know if my theory is true or not, but I do intend to keep up my morning detox routine with this ‘sidelined’ fruit even in the days to come.

Which means, I may be trading in many of those summer season mangoes for the musk melons.

I am not mad for doing this….right?

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