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17 things I learnt in 2016

Once in a while, it’s great to look back on your journey and take stock of the all the big and small things you’ve picked up on the way. 2016 has been full of ups and downs for me and I thought it’s time I made some notes about what all I added to my kitty of knowledge this year (you know how I have the habit of making lists and notes about everything I think about… just can’t explain!!!)

1# When torn between a yes and no, always write down a list of pros and cons. Even if you know the better option, when you actually see a comparison, it helps you make peace with your choice.

2# Living without cash in Bangalore is easier than in other cities. Even maids accept digital payments.

3# Off-shoulder tops are as uncomfortable as high heels! But for fashion’s sake, we are known to swear by such choices. Am guilty!

4# Blogging is extremely rewarding (and relaxing). I am new to this world but when I see kind words and appreciation coming from the most unexpected people, I feel like yuhoooo!

5# I am a very confused Star Wars fan. I am mostly rooting for the Rebellion but when Lord Vader comes on screen, I have my loyalties swaying (and secretly, I want a red lightsaber...don’t ask!)

6# Since we are on topic, I think I can never get tired of watching Sex and the City. My taste in films vary significantly!

7# Max, the chef at Don Giovanni, Pondicherry, is the best Italian chef ever! He’s the sweetest, kindest and the most zoned out person you’ll meet. But, his food could be served to the Gods and you’d be lucky to taste it. Please head to this unassuming restaurant if you find yourself in Pondy.

8# Using dark brown eyeshadow is the best way to line eyebrows. DO NOT use a black kajal pencil for it.

9# If you are writing for Wiki, every single sentence you write has to be accredited to a source. I don't know how I am so late in knowing these obvious things.

10# Contests run by retail brands are real. I won 25k worth of free shopping at Splash just by writing what I liked about their collection. There should be a rewind button on this kind of thing.

11# Colleagues can become friends too! So much so, that sometimes you actually can’t wait to go to work the next day.

12# I am a salads person and I would like to declare feta and watermelon as my first favourite, followed closely by Thai glass noodle salad.

13# Pinterest has the potential to help you out of your style rut. Just keep looking at fashion pics on Pinterest every night for 10 minutes before going to bed. This is real, it works.

14# To take good pictures, you need to look at good pictures.

15# Musk melon juice, without sugar, is going to be my go-to breakie drink even in 2017. I don't know how this became part of my morning routine recently.

16# There is an html hack available for every problem you may face in life.

17# R must really really love me as proven by his continued efforts to click my pictures and being supportive about my blogging demands.

Enough no? Ok, I’ll shut up. See you in 2017.

My Look:

Floral socks: H&M

Stockings: Marks & Spencer

Shorts: Street shopping find

The eye behind the lens: The picture is clicked by my friend, confidant, the biggest critic of this blog and a constant source of inspiration for me, Venkata Susmita Biswas. When she's taking a break from her job as a journalist, she's donning the hat of a photographer and writer for her blog Culture Salad, crocheting incredible handmade items or devouring a book that has ended up on her reading list. She conjures magical food in her kitchen and plays board games with the passion and curiosity of a child. She's also an outdoor person with a strong liking for treks. Oh, and she travelled to 8 countries in the last two years!

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