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15 super grown-up conversations women have with gal pals

Why do I feel a lot of men are going to read this? Never mind, let’s start with a little news that may contradict a popular idea.

Women don't engage in pillow fights at sleepovers (WHAAAAaaat?).

In fact, when they hang out with friends and have a little window called free time, there’s only space for some super-grown up discussions. Here’s a peek.

1# How to convince the world to leave you alone because it’s OK to not be married until you find the right person, no matter how long that takes

2# Comparing notes on in-laws and how to handle them!

3# Figuring out the best possible answers to a universally popular question - When are you having babies?

4# Weighing options like adoption and IVF, once you enter the baby talks

5# Where to travel next (followed by how to convince the partner to be equally excited about it)

6# What’s your favourite wine (sure, now that there’s money to indulge in expensive tastes)

7# Some time, it’s just about savings, insurance, home buying and retirement plans

8# Or, world politics ranging from Donald Trump to ISIS (coz. humanity is facing similar threats from both parties)

9# Then there are TAILORS (you read it right). According to girl code, if a damsel shares contact of a good tailor with another, they become best buds forever!

10# Often it’s about how the world has moved from sanitary napkins to tampons to menstrual cups

11# There are also those moments of worry around ageing parents and how to take care of them

12# Of course some notes sharing on how to handle crazy bosses, bitching about hostile colleagues and slowly feeling good about letting it all out

13# Oh, and how to make a choice between career and work. I mean, is there a choice at all?

14# Parental techniques and where you’ve seen the most well-behaved kids (God should start a system where you can place order for behavioural traits)

15# And lastly, the worrisome (borderline hypochondriac) discussions about how the body is showing signs of ageing

Yep, that’s that. I think, I should keep the rest solely restricted to the inner circles.

Sorry, I have some loyalties towards the exclusive world of women.

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