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Comicon haul and a gallery update

So, last weekend, Bangalore hosted Comicon. Now, my only gateway to the world of superheros is through R (he’s the nerdy techie kinds, you know). Before I met him, I would have processed Green Arrow as a thing and Flash as a verb. Again, Marvel and DC were just jumbled up ideas and I couldn’t tell the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars.

Hey, don’t judge already! My marriage has been a rather enlightening influence in this regard and, now, I know all about imaginary people flying around in the skies!

Anyways, the home decor enthusiast in me always looks at Comicon as an opportunity to stock up on the coolest trinkets for home. I go sniffing around from stall to stall to pick up magnets, figurines, coasters/mats and basically anything that looks unique and make our guests ask, Where did you pick this up from?

This time, I found a little rabbit hole which led straight to a much-needed gallery wall update. We picked up three doodle arts - two framed ones and a poster (seen in the picture above) - from Pixbyron. The prints of the completely hand-drawn doodles had some of our favourite stars - Slash and Freddie Mercury for R and Audrey Hepburn for me!

And, I am loving how balanced our gallery is looking with the new additions. Guess what, people are already asking about the new members on the wall! I cannot wait to jumble up all of this and rearrange everything in our new home, soon.

Apart from the doodles, R also picked up a customary Batman trinket (a neckpiece, basically) and he’s wearing it everywhere (it’s getting a little embarrassing now).

Oh, and, to know what I wore to Comicon visit my Instagram account.

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